About Me

Contact me casually
syndamia@protonmail.com PGP key
kamen.s@syndamia.com PGP key (for this one, make sure to check your spam folder!)
Contact me about work and projects I’m maintaining
kamen.d.mladenov@protonmail.com PGP key
kamen@syndamia.com PGP key (for this one, make sure to check your spam folder!)
Български | English

Antibio (opposite of bio, and much more fun)

I’m a university student and general computer nerd. My current interests include: operating systems, functional programming, webdev (without any libraries, pure JavaScript), old tech, some amount of server administration and a teeny weeny bit of computer history.

I have a good amount of projects under my belt, although very few are actually useful. I’ve put down the more notable ones here, but filite-list and min-youtube-element-blocker seem to have gotten the most attention (if any).

As for what exactly you can expect in the future, anything goes really. I’ve done a lot of low(er)-level programming, a bit less functional programming, professional-ish web development (back-end + front-end), a whole lot of scripting and more server/system administration that I would ever want. So, who knows what’s gonna be next.

Unfortunately there isn’t too much I can show now, especially as content on this website… But hey, you gotta start somewhere!


This is a curated list of the more relevant software projects I’ve made or heavily contributed to


gitlab / texty-office + gitlab / texty-office.vim
An imperfect converter from DOCX, PPTX and XLSX to normal text with it’s associated Vim plugin.
GNU GPLv3 & MIT | C++ vimscript | Office file converter plugin Vim CLI tool
gitlab / small-web-utilitiesmaintained
A collection of small but fast utilities, like a checklist, that work locally on your browser. Also hosted here.
GNU GPLv3 | HTML Javascript | checklist utilities
gitlab / ss-law + github / ss-lawmaintained
A small, lightweight and simple static site generation system, extracted as a template from my own
Markdown bash awk | ssg lowdown static site generator pipelines
gitlab / homelandermaintained
A very small and good looking, handmade prompt for zsh
GPLv3 | bash | zsh shell prompt script Linux
gitlab / goodwolfabandoned
Fork of the badwolf browser, which aims to add features
BSD-3-Clause | C | web browser GTK WebKitGTK Linux


gitlab / RepoSynccompleted
Script and some config files for synchronizing a git repository with a server
MIT | python | server git systemd
github / filite-listcompleted
Script for managing filite links
GPLv3 | bash | filite server script Linux


github / DevHive and github / DevHive-Angularcompleted
DevHive is a social network oriented towards programmers. It’s FOSS, built from the ground up, and made from a team of three for a course.
GPLv3 | C# TypeScript | Angular ASP.NET Core social media mvc Docker CSS
github / min-youtube-element-blockermaintained
Userscript for hiding certain UI elements in YouTube
MIT | JavaScript | youtube userscript css