
Articles detailing personal experiences or exploration of certain topics.

gb 06 Oct   The physics behind a black hole shader
Deep dive | Physics | General theory of relativity Celestial mechanics Gravity Black Hole Algorithm
gb 20 Feb   Microsoft and FOSS: a fire to be extinguished
Shallow dive | Opinion | Microsoft GitHub Linux FOSS


gb 30 Aug   ThinkPad X270 - my favorite machine
Medium dive | Review | Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga
gb 19 July   Icon fonts aren’t evil, you just have to care
Shallow dive | Web development | Icon font SVG Accessibility FontForge
bg 14 July   ФМИ и висшето образование в програмистката индустрия
Deep dive | University | FMI Education
gb 07 June   Friendship ended with Funtoo, now Gentoo is my best friend
Shallow dive | Linux | Funtoo Gentoo portage packages emerge ebuild
gb 01 May   BASH is weird
Shallow dive | bash | Linux scripting
gb 18 Apr   Sane explanation of compilers: Part 1
Deep dive | Compilers | C yacc bison math Trees Regex Grammar Languages
gb 13 Jan   Plan 9 in Linux: Mouse menus
Medium dive | Linux | Plan 9 mouse bash script X11 openbox jgmenu plumber


gb 23 Dec   2.6 years of web design
Shallow dive | Web design
gb 13 Dec   When a language forces simpler thinking
Shallow dive | Common Lisp | Advent of Code
gb 04 Dec   Taming The Fun-too
Story | Funtoo | Linux Gentoo packages
gb 10 Sep   Encrypted email
Medium dive | Email | Encryption Security PGP S/MIME Protonmail Tutanota


gb 20 May   Mundus: My first shot at game development
Deep dive | Gamedev | 2D Sandbox Crafting Building Fighting GtkSharp 2.0 C#